Write a letter to your leaders

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التربةNewsالداعمونمعلومات عن
تصرّف الآن

طلّابمن أجل التربة

ارفع صوتك كطالب، من أجل إنقاذ التربة للأجيال القادمة.

AGES 13+

كيف يمكنك أن تُحدِث فرقًا؟

ألهِم تغيير السّياسات

بلّغ قادة دولتك بشأن اهتمامك بأمر التربة من خلال رسالة، عمل فنيّ أو فيديو.

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اعرض رسالتك

بإمكانك عرض رسالتك على موقع "أنقذوا التربة" لإلهام الناس من جميع أنحاء العالم للتصرّف والحصول على شارة "أنقذوا التربة" الخاصّة بك.

If you are a teacher

Submit details to receive acknowledgement badge for your students once the letters are sent to the leaders of your country

Why Does This Matter?

It is vital that we raise our voices to demonstrate citizen support for soil policies to our leaders and elected representatives. Each small step taken to spread the message of Save Soil helps to build a big wave of impact. Writing a letter is one of the most direct ways to make a difference - let us make it happen!


This is Not an Agitation - Do Not Get Agitated. This is Not a Protest- Do Not dislocate others’ lives. This is an Expression of Love and Responsibility for the Life that we are and the Life that should be beyond us. #SaveSoil. Let Us Make It Happen!



This is Not an Agitation - Do Not Get Agitated. This is Not a Protest- Do Not dislocate others’ lives. This is an Expression of Love and Responsibility for the Life that we are and the Life that should be beyond us. #SaveSoil. Let Us Make It Happen!


Message WALL


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تصرّف الآن


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