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The name “Cauvery” literally means “one who brings abundance.” But this once mighty river is mighty no more.

Over the years, the suffering of farmers and their suicides in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka in Cauvery basin made national headlines. The depletion of Cauvery and the distress of farmers are two manifestations of the same problem.


Cauvery’s Depletion

  • Cauvery has depleted over 40% in the last 70 years
  • 87% of the basin’s original tree cover has been lost
  • During the summer, Cauvery is unable to reach the ocean
  • 70% of Cauvery basin’s soil suffers erosion


Farmer Distress

  • 83% of farmers in Tamil Nadu and 77% of farmers in Karnataka are in debt
  • 17 districts in Tamil Nadu were drought-hit in 2019
  • 15 of the last 18 years leadinguo to 2019 have been drought years in Karnataka
  • Almost half the Cauvery basin suffers critical groundwater depletion

Why Cauvery Is Dying

Cauvery, like almost all rivers in India, is forest-fed. Historically, this region was covered in forests and tree cover. The soil was constantly replenished with nutrients and organic matter by animal waste and plant litter. Organic matter allowed the soil to absorb water, and thus feed Cauvery.

As Trees Disappear...

Growing human populations and inefficient agriculture practices have led to an extreme loss of tree cover and the soil is no longer sufficiently replenished. The soil no longer absorbs water efficiently and suffers erosion instead. Having lost its ability to retain water, the soil is unable to sustain Cauvery. As a result, the river is drying up. The falling water levels and dying soil are taking a devastating toll on our farmers, who suffer failed harvests and crippling debt.


Saving Cauvery

To reverse this dire situation, revitalize Cauvery, rejuvenate the soil, and improve farmers' income, Cauvery Calling is supporting farmers to plant 242 crore trees. It is estimated that these 242 crore trees will increase water retention in Cauvery basin by about 40%.

Rally for Rivers

Rally for Rivers is a movement to save India’s lifelines. It was supported by over 162 million people. Sadhguru launched Rally for Rivers in September 2017 by personally driving over 9300 km across India to raise awareness about the dire situation of our rivers. Rally for Rivers provides a comprehensive solution to save India’s rivers, and is unique in its structure as a primarily economic program with a significant ecological impact.

Rally for Rivers