Science Special Blog
In this blog, Isha Vidhya schools showcase the innovative science lessons that make learning engaging and effective. From discovering buoyancy through hands-on experiments to conducting advanced salt analysis in laboratories, our students experience science through practical, interactive methods. These activities make complex concepts easier to understand and also ignite curiosity for scientific exploration among students.

Our students receive hands-on science lessons with scientific apparatus in the laboratory, and with familiar articles that facilitate clear comprehension in class. Our schools also conduct science exhibitions that allow students to collaborate and present their projects to visitors.
In celebration of World Science Day on 10 November, read about some of our innovative science lessons.

Float and Sink
UKG students of Isha Vidhya Erode learned about buoyancy and water displacement by placing random items like flowers, stones, and leaves in a water bowl to see whether they float or sink. Many students excitedly repeated the task while others waited for their turn to experiment and enjoy the lesson.

Lung Lessons
Class 3 students of Isha Vidhya Dharmapuri blew and deflated balloons to understand how our lungs expand when we inhale and contract upon exhalation. This simple activity made them aware of the importance of breathing and the vital role of lungs.

Smelling and Telling
Class 3 students of Isha Vidhya Villupuram tested their sense of smell and touch with closed eyes to sharpen their sensory experience. They learned to identify lemon, mango, hibiscus, amla, neem, and papaya leaves. This unusual activity turned a simple lesson about leaves into a delightful adventure.

Anatomy of a Flower
The class 5 science teacher at Isha Vidhya Villupuram drew and labelled various parts of a hibiscus flower on the blackboard. She also encouraged her students to dissect hibiscus flowers and identify and describe the parts to one another. Using actual flowers to learn made all the difference in rapid and impactful comprehension.

Magnetic Attraction
In pursuit of knowledge about the forces behind magnetic attraction and repulsion, Class 6 students of Isha Vidhya Villupuram placed a magnet near metallic and non-metallic objects of daily use. This exploratory activity ignited curiosity and empowered students to connect theoretical concepts with real-world applications.

Demonstrating Newton’s Color Disc
Class 7 students of Isha Vidhya Villuputam validated Newton’s color disc theory by preparing a cardboard disc of rainbow colors and whirling it. They were thrilled to see the disc turn white while it spun, showing that the white color is a combination of the 7 rainbow colors. This activity made learning theoretical concepts memorable and fun.

Salt Analysis
In a chemistry laboratory module, Class 12 students of Isha Vidhya Salem first tested salts like copper sulfate, ammonium chloride, and ammonium nitrate to identify them by their chemical properties. Then, they learned volumetric analysis to determine the concentration of a solution. Such practical skills learned in the lab will benefit students who wish to pursue science in college.

Science Exhibition Snapshots
Here are glimpses of our school science exhibitions.