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Save Soil storms into global conscience as Sadhguru begins his 100 days journey

Mar 28, 2022 | London, UK

Sadhguru invites everyone to “Talk soil, Sing soil, Breathe soil, Live soil”

On 21st March 2022, Sadhguru embarked on a 100-days lone motorcycle journey across 27 nations as part of the Save Soil movement. The journey, passing through UK, Europe, Asia and the Middle East and aims to raise awareness, and build political and public consensus for urgent policy initiatives to prevent soil extinction. 

The days leading to the flag-off comprised of Sadhguru’s interactions with lawmakers, influencers and the public in general meant to draw attention to the urgent issue of soil extinction. 

Coasting along UK to cross into Netherlands

As Sadhguru made his way out of the United Kingdom into the Netherlands, he was greeted by a traditional Dutch musical assembly and a cheering crowd of local volunteers. Amidst the tight schedule, Sadhguru’s public engagements included a panel discussion at Koppert Experience Centre and his address to journalists at the Indian Embassy in Hague. During these events, Sadhguru spoke on the unfolding disaster of soil extinction and the alarming migration of large populations into urban areas as the first step toward famine. The highlight of the day was a public interaction with Sadhguru, hosted by well-loved Carice van Houton of the renowned TV series, Game of Thrones as well as Johan Rockstrom, an internationally recognized scientist on global sustainability issues. While Carice expressed her deep concern for soil, especially as the mother of a little boy, Sadhguru spoke about the importance of preserving this legacy for her child and future generations.

The roads of Berlin

Weaving the Dutch people as an intrinsic part of the movement, Sadhguru moved ahead with his bike journey to reach Berlin - the capital city of Germany. Be it his conversation with renowned dancer and choreographer Nikeata Thompson or actress and humanitarian Toni Garrn, the message of saving soil was unequivocal. Sadhguru emphasized the deafening impact of soil extinction, touching on far-reaching repercussions such as forced migration and war. 

While riding through Germany, Save Soil volunteers along with Sadhguru brought out their creative side and contributed to a mural of Save Soil graffiti street art painted across a wall in Berlin. Encouraging everyone to give expression to their commitment to save soil- in whichever form that maybe- the message to “Talk soil, Sing soil, Breathe soil, Live soil” was loud and clear.

Gliding into Prague

Nearing a week into the journey, Sadhguru made way into the beautiful city of Prague, Czech Republic. With the focus of movement on driving national policy level changes towards raising and maintaining the organic content of soils to a minimum of 3-6%, Sadhguru presented the Global Policy Draft and Solutions Handbook to Deputy of the Minister of Environment and Deputy of the Minister of Agriculture, Czech Republic. Later joined by Czech mathematician Karel Janecek at a public event, Sadhguru described the gatherings on the Save Movement. They further probed on the connection between mathematics and mysticism before a lovely audience of local enthusiasts and supporters. 

The next few weeks will see Sadhguru visiting countries in Europe and Asia addressing a diverse mix of lawmakers, influencers, and the general public as he brings to the fore the cause of saving soil to the global stage.



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