Write a letter to your leaders

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Ako študent volaj za záchranu pôdy pre nasledujúce generácie.

Vek 13+

Získaj svoj odznak

Ďakujeme ti za vyjadrenie svojich obáv za Záchranu pôdy. Na znak ocenenia od nás získavaš odznak Save Soil.

Why Does This Matter?

It is vital that we raise our voices to demonstrate citizen support for soil policies to our leaders and elected representatives. Each small step taken to spread the message of Save Soil helps to build a big wave of impact. Writing a letter is one of the most direct ways to make a difference - let us make it happen!


Toto NIE je agitácia-nerozrušuj sa. Toto NIE je protest-nenarušuj životy ostatných. Toto je vyjadrenie lásky a zodpovednosti voči životu, ktorým sami sme a životu, ktorý by mal prísť po nás. #ZachranmePodu. Poďme to uskutočniť!



This is Not an Agitation - Do Not Get Agitated. This is Not a Protest- Do Not dislocate others’ lives. This is an Expression of Love and Responsibility for the Life that we are and the Life that should be beyond us. #SaveSoil. Let Us Make It Happen!



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