Coming of age – Isha Vidhya Teachers Graduate to Trainer-teachers
Isha Vidhya conducts teacher training workshops every year to help them develop necessary skills and learn innovative teaching methods. This year, a few teachers turned trainers! Here’s their experience.

Effective teachers who are able to motivate students are priceless. Recognizing this essential requirement in education, Isha Vidhya trains teachers every year to help them develop necessary skills and learn innovative teaching methods. Thus far, it was always the support teams, which trained teachers. However, this time around, a few of the more experienced teachers, who have attended several trainings and have become experts and innovators in their classrooms, were also included in the training team.

Six teachers from four different schools assisted as trainers in the recent kindergarten to second standard teachers training workshop. The assistant trainer teachers mentioned that during the initial days of Isha Vidhya, they were nervous and anxious about classroom teaching. It was the training and support of the mentors, and the repeated mock-sessions that helped them to shed inhibitions and develop the necessary skills. They also shared that the constant feedback from their supervisors made aware of the expectations of the academic team, which empowered them to develop innovative methods to accomplish their objectives.
Assisting in the training proved to be a great way to continue to perfect their skills, while also receiving recognition for their dedication and accomplishments in the classroom. It is highly motivating for the new teachers to see the examples set by their peers and aspire to reach the same level.
The selected teachers were first briefed about the sessions that they were going to handle. They trained their fellow teachers in taking English, Mathematics and Tamil classes, writing work, Montessori activities, DVD classes, PT classes and LCD stories. The storytelling session, with a live demonstration, was especially amazing. Each participant was given a chance to take a mock class with a story.
The participant teachers had several queries, based on their three months of teaching. As the trainer-teachers have hands-on experience, they were able to give a solution to their queries with examples. They also knew the areas where teachers usually struggle, and thus stressed on them during the training.
Apart from handling class, the trainers also helped participants in material development and creation, to make the “learning material” period more interesting.
Editor’s Note: Isha Vidhya is participating in Give India’s India Tax Saving Challenge, during which donations will be matched by Give India, on fulfilling minimum donation and donor criteria. All other donors will receive an 80G certificate. The last day of the Challenge is 13th March 2014.