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Save Soil Toolkit

A collection of videos, letters, social media posts, images, merchandise designs, and other resources you can use to spread the message. Please find print assets like flyers, brochures, post cards and other materials under the downloads tab. Please print, reuse, and recycle responsibly. Stay tuned for more updates.

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In a single gram of healthy soil one can find 100 million to 1 billion bacteria and 100,000 to 1 million fungi, which support the plant’s growth and health. (UN environment, 2019) #SaveSoil savesoil.org


A study on nutrients in food concluded that we would have to eat 8 oranges to get the same amount of Vitamin A as our grandparents did with one orange, because soil depletion has caused massive drops in nutrient levels in food. (Scientific American, 2011) #SaveSoil savesoil.org

We are losing an acre of soil every second! (Scientific American, 2014) #SaveSoil savesoil.org

52% of agricultural soils are already degraded. (ELD Initiative, 2015) #SaveSoil savesoil.org

60% of the world's population is deficient in nutrients like iron due to lack of nutrients in food and soils. (TIME, 2012) #SaveSoil savesoil.org

Food grain production can increase by 1.3% every year, if Carbon in soil is increased by just 0.4% (Soil and Tillage Research, 2019) #SaveSoil savesoil.org

Soil is home to over a quarter of all living species on Earth. (European Union, 2010) #SaveSoil savesoil.org

Soil degradation negatively impacts 3.2 billion people around the world. (UNCCD, 2019) #SaveSoil savesoil.org

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