Write a letter to your leader
To inspire and voice your support for policies that restore and safeguard soil. Let us make it happen.
Write a letter to your leader
To inspire and voice your support for policies that restore and safeguard soil. Let us make it happen.
Your voice can make a difference. This page has everything you need to write a letter to the leaders of your country.
Let your voice be heard to Save Soil for generations to come.
Let us know if you have sent your letter by clicking the check box under the leader's info
Choose your country and find your leaders’ contact info
After you select your country, you can get your country leaders’ contact info.
Send your own letter (or use the suggested draft letter) to your representatives
Enter your name to personalize your letter or copy the suggested letter.
Your name:
Inserisci il tuo nome per personalizzare la tua lettera
Let us know if you have sent your letter by clicking the check box under the leader's info
Seleziona il Paese:
Seleziona lo Stato:
Your name:
Inserisci il tuo nome per personalizzare la tua lettera
President Donald Trump
Indirizzo Postale:
The President of the United States: White House Office 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500
Vice President J.D. Vance
Indirizzo Postale:
The Vice President of the United States: White House Office 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500.
Secretary of Agriculture Brooke Rollins
EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin
Indirizzo Postale:
Environmental Protection Agency, Mail Code 1101A 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20460
Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman John Boozman
Indirizzo Postale:
555 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C 20510
Informazioni relative ai dirigenti del Paese
Why Does This Matter?
It is vital that we raise our voices to demonstrate citizen support for soil policies to our leaders and elected representatives. Each small step taken to spread the message of Save Soil helps to build a big wave of impact. Writing a letter is one of the most direct ways to make a difference - let us make it happen!
Questa non è un'agitazione - Non agitarti. Questa non è una protesta - Non turbare la vita degli altri. Questa è un'Espressione di Amore e Responsabilità per la Vita che siamo e per la Vita che dovrebbe essere al di là di noi. #SalvailSuolo. Facciamolo accadere!
This is Not an Agitation - Do Not Get Agitated. This is Not a Protest- Do Not dislocate others’ lives. This is an Expression of Love and Responsibility for the Life that we are and the Life that should be beyond us. #SaveSoil. Let Us Make It Happen!