Meios de Comunicação
Dec 11, 2024, United Nations
The Guardian
Global food production at increased risk from excess salt in soil, UN report warns
Scientists say climate crisis and poor agricultural practices to blame with serious implications for crop yields
The extent of the world’s land affected by excess salt is set to increase rapidly with potentially devastating impacts on food production, research has found.
About 1.4bn hectares (3.4bn acres), amounting to 10% of global land, is affected by salinity, with a further 1bn hectares classed as “at risk”, a report from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization has found.
Dec 10, 2024, Hungary
One by one, these areas are being destroyed: the problem is much bigger than we thought
Over the past three decades, the proportion of arid areas on Earth has increased significantly, with serious economic and environmental consequences. According to a new UN study, 40% of the world's land area is already classified as dry, and this proportion is expected to increase further in the future.
Dec 10, 2024, Poland
Worrying fact: dry areas already make up almost half of the land
According to the latest research conducted by scientists under the auspices of the United Nations, dry areas, excluding Antarctica, already make up 40 percent of the land. In 2020, 2.3 billion people were already living in arid areas.
Dec 9, 2024, Namibia
The Guardian
Drylands now make up 40% of land on Earth, excluding Antarctica, study says
An area of land nearly a third larger than India has turned from humid conditions to dryland – arid areas where agriculture is difficult – in the past three decades, research has found.
Dec 6, 2024, England
Mycelium transplantation as a rescue for forests. New discovery by scientists
A British scientific experiment has made a breakthrough discovery that could change the face of environmental protection. Moving mycelium-borne soil from mature forests to areas of new afforestation showed that fungi play an essential role in improving soil health and strengthening young ecosystems.
Dec 5, 2024, Riyadh
New policy brief presented at COP16 designed to divert world away from 90% global topsoil degradation
60 leading NGOs have joined forces to endorse a major policy brief to be presented at the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) COP 16 in Riyadh (2nd -13th Dec).
Authored by Save Soil and 4per1000, the policy brief calls on the UNCCD to expand their areas of action to support farmers in restoring land and soil health across the globe, given the escalating soil degradation crisis—costing the planet 24 billion tons of fertile soil annually and impacting the livelihoods of 1.5 billion people.
Nov 11, 2024, Global
Securing Our Future: Making Climate Finance Work for Agricultural Soil
Securing Our Future: Making Climate Finance Work for Agricultural Soil
Nov 11, 2024, Global
Securing our Future: Expanding Scope of Land Restoration Funds to Impact All Geographies
Soil health is crucial in land restoration efforts and in addressing food insecurity, climate change, loss of livelihood, air and water pollution, and loss of biodiversity. The global narrative is slowly starting to recognize healthy soil as a solution to these challenges, and farmers as important stewards of this vital resource - but more needs to be done.
In order to meet the goals of land degradation neutrality, greater resources and effort need to be invested in restoring lands not yet severely degraded by supporting farmers in adopting a multitude of agroecological practices on annual/perennial croplands and rangelands. This must happen across all geographies, giving Asia and the Americas equal priority to Africa, as these regions hold the majority of global agricultural land.
Nov 1, 2024, Global
Mitigating Climate Change Through Soil Revitalization Using Regenerative Agriculture
In the world’s efforts to combat anthropogenic climate change by achieving net zero emissions, there are two key actions that must be taken on a global level. First, carbon and other GHG emissions need to be reduced and second, more carbon from the atmosphere needs to be sequestered in natural carbon sinks.
Sep 2, 2024, Global
Healthy Soil and Healthy Humans
With the WHO (under the One Health Initiative) acknowledging that human health is affected by the quality of food and the quality of human living environments, this analysis summarizes the various direct and indirect pathways through which soil health affects human health.
Nov 24, 2023, Global
Quantitative assessment of soil’s potential to sequester carbon to mitigate climate change
Reducing carbon emissions and subsequently removing them from the atmosphere is vital for keeping the global temperatures below two degrees centigrade. In this paper, we specifically try to quantify the potential of agriculture soils’ to sequester carbon, based on secondary research.
Dec 6, 2022, India
Sadhguru kicks off #ScoreForSoil global campaign on World Soil Day
Every 5 seconds we are losing one football field worth of soil, points Sadhguru. Thousands of Save Soil supporters host over 1,000 awareness drives across the globe to bolster the call to save soil
Oct 28, 2022, India
Save Soil Movement - Model Farm Proof of Concept
Valluvan started his farming activity in 2009 on a 7.5-acre coconut farm. Later, he purchased another 25-acre coconut farm and 3.5 acres of land to grow grains for his own family.
Jun 30, 2022, Karnataka, India
Mysuru Embraces Its Son & Its Guru
The Chief Minister of the State is at the event and like in other states, the Security is at the highest category – both for Sadhguru and the CM. Nothing deters the people though. They run behind Sadhguru’s motorcycle, calling out to him, laughing, weeping, clapping, screaming. Sadhguru stops periodically where sizeable crowds are gathered to acknowledge them and to seek their support for the Movement.
Jun 30, 2022, Andhra Pradesh, India
In Andhra Pradesh, All Roads Lead to Kurnool
The kind of reception that Sadhguru has been receiving in India has to be seen to be believed. His security has been jacked up for the India leg of the journey. He’s recognized everywhere in India – in the smallest of villages and towns, in the remotest of corners. At all times of the day or night, people throng the streets, physically throwing themselves at him. They want to touch him, touch his feet. Here, he is above all their Beloved Guru.
Jun 30, 2022, Telengana, India
Telengana Day 86
It seems like yesterday we started out. For most of us it’s been the most intense three months of our lives- a Journey that has been inward as much as it has been relentlessly outward. There is a quality of kinship in the team now that can only come from a shared experience that has erased boundaries and broken limitations like we never imagined possible.
Jun 30, 2022, Delhi, India
Delhi Day 75
The noise is deafening – everyone is singing and dancing as they wait for Sadhguru and when they spot the motorcycle, the frenzy reaches a climax. It’s day 75 but looking at the reception Sadhguru receives here, it feels like the launch of the Movement.
Jun 30, 2022, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
In Uttar Pradesh, the Guru of Cool Receives a Rockstar Reception from a Modern-Day Gurukul
In many ways, Uttar Pradesh, or UP as it’s more popularly known, will be a gamechanger for India’s soil health because a major part of the state is located in the Ganga river basin, the largest river basin in India whose soil health is critical to the country’s food and water security.
Jun 25, 2022, Jaipur, Rajasthan
Rajasthan – Of Arid Lands and Full Hearts
When Sadhguru enters Udaipur, he’s instantly mobbed on the streets, showers of flowers (it seems like tons of petals in a riot of colors!) and roaring crowds welcome him. Age seems to be no bar—from young children to men and women well into their 70—as everyone is swept up in the moment, overcome by emotion. In the City Palace, the Prince of Mewar Shri. Lakshyaraj Singh gives Sadhguru a royal welcome.
Jun 25, 2022, Jamnagar, India
Back in Beloved Bharat
It’s fascinating to watch Sadhguru in this crowd. With every continent, every country, every kind of audience, he keeps reinventing himself right before our eyes and he fits right in wherever he goes. Here in India, he’s first and foremost a Guru—looking at how people respond to him, we know this will never change in India. It doesn’t matter what he’s saying, people are flocking to him for who he is—they know and understand him in a way that even they may not know or understand.
Jun 25, 2022, Muscat, Oman
In Overwhelming Oman
By now, it’s beyond our understanding how Sadhguru is riding in this heat. He leaves Dubai early morning to reach Oman, and the first thing he does after removing his helmet is pour water over his head. To say we are humbled would be an understatement.
Jun 25, 2022, Dubai, UAE
In Unique UAE
Moving from the quaint harbours of Bahrain, the Save Soil team is back on the road to the United Arab Emirates – one of the most cosmopolitan regions in the Middle East, a thriving amalgamation of cultures that give it a unique flavor.
Jun 19, 2022, Manama, Bahrain
In Beautiful Bahrain
It was the first outdoor event of its kind, a beautiful lagoon embracing the grounds. The volunteers were swarming the scene like worker ants. While the ushers discussed where each volunteer should stand, Sounds of Isha were on stage doing a sound check with the ever-so-familiar “one, two, one, two, check, check…”
Jun 19, 2022, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
In Resplendent Riyadh
Marhaba! from the heart of the Middle East. It’s day 52 and we’ve just driven through the furnace of the Arabian desert and reached the regal city of Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia.
Jun 16, 2022, Tel Aviv, Israel
In Tantalizing Tel Aviv
Here, in Tel Aviv, the venue was secured with a day to spare, the event was planned in less than 30 hours, Sounds of Isha found musicians at the venue who had come for the event, they learnt a Jewish song right then, right there, and performed it on stage the same day. Long exhalation. To top it all off, it was a fantastic sellout crowd. Enthusiastic, energetic, participatory—an electrifying atmosphere in every way.
Jun 13, 2022, Palestine
In Poignant Palestine
For the team, the highlight of Palestine is the visit to the Yasser Arafat Museum. It is designed by the late Palestinian architect Jafar Touqan. It is a spacious, well-designed modern building. It supports Palestinian creative expression, promoting art and artists of the region.
Jun 13, 2022, Amman, Jordan
In Jubilant Jordan
The film crew landed in Aqaba with Sadhguru and spent that day blazing the deserts of Wadi Rum and breath taking Petra, the Rose City, an archaeological masterpiece with tombs, temples and cliffs. The ancient city was mesmerising, like stepping into a different time and place.
Jun 10, 2022, Tbilisi, Georgia
In Gorgeous Georgia
Sadhguru decides that there is simply not enough time to take a break. Holding to his 40 year commitment of never being late to a single event, a few stops before the venue, he gets off his bike, removes his jacket and throws it in the back of the media van. At the next stoplight, the gloves come off. After having been on the road for approximately 7 hours, Sadhguru hops off the bike and makes his way into a hall brimming with people.
Jun 10, 2022, Baku, Azerbaijan
In Balanced Baku
“No country has really sunk in because we were there for such a short time,” says Varun from the Media Team as he reflects on the journey so far. He’s part of the team that handles preparations for live telecasts. “Everything that goes behind the live telecast,” Varun elaborates, “like camera position, lighting, angles, technical cover…”
May 22, 2022, Istanbul, Turkey
In Intriguing Istanbul
“And probably the most memorable moment was Sadhguru’s entrance into the event,” says Mia describing the moment. “He went in and there were some Sufi Whirling Dervishes who were just spinning and it was very profound and beautiful. It was such a subtle reception. Sadhguru sat down next to the musicians in vajrasana. It was a very intimate moment,” she reveals.
May 22, 2022, Bonn, Germany
In Beautiful Bonn
“Just seeing Sadhguru being completely on 100%, doing exactly what is needed in the moment shows you what is possible,” says Henry who is a part of the media coordination team for Europe.
May 3, 2022, Brussels, Belgium
In Brilliant Brussels
Apr 27, 2022, Paris, France
In Pretty Paris
“The victories in war are the pride of yesterday. Tomorrow belongs to what lies beneath our feet. In nurturing it, Life on this planet shall stand tall. This is the Pride of tomorrow. #SaveSoil. “ Sadhguru
Apr 22, 2022, Geneva, Switzerland
In Gorgeous Geneva
The visit to Geneva gives our team another unforgettable treat, an opportunity to be at the UN headquarters in Geneva where Sadhguru speaks before a panel of leaders from global organizations about the Save Soil movement. It’s a thrilling experience, sitting in those semi-circular rows we’ve only seen in the 8 o’clock news. Sadhguru addresses the Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations in Geneva and being witness to the love and admiration with which he is received at the seat of power is a very special moment.
Apr 17, 2022, Rome, Italy
In Regal Rome
It’s not surprising that this unique city also hosts a unique event for the Save Soil Movement: In collaboration with Billboard Italia, five Italian artists come together in a concert on Saturday evening leaving the audience mesmerized with their music, passion and commitment to use the unifying power of music to #SaveSoil.
Apr 15, 2022
Save Soil Movement Rows Its Way to Venice
Apr 15, 2022, Ljubljana, Solvenia
In Lovely Ljubljana
In response to a question about how to motivate young people, Sadhguru emphasised the importance of expressing to our governments our commitment to #SaveSoil in order to propel them into action. He closed the event by saying that the youth don’t have to support Sadhguru, they just have to talk about soil for these 100 days because in a democratic nation the government will only listen when the people talk.
Apr 12, 2022, Vienna, Austria
In Vibrant Vienna
It’s March 27th and we’re in the beautiful city of Vienna, the capital city of Austria. Its fairytale architecture, rich history and pretty streets have Pride stamped all over them. It’s a beautiful day and the campsite is buzzing with controlled frenzy. It’s laundry day and everyone is just thankful for the beautiful weather and clean clothes!
Apr 2, 2022, Prague, Czech Republic
Sadhguru glides Through Prague
Sadhguru met with Deputy of the Minister of Environment and Deputy of the Minister of Agriculture at the Embassy of India in Prague, presenting them with a Global Policy Draft and Solutions Handbook.
Mar 31, 2022, Berlin, Germany
Save Soil Hits Berlin, Germany Part II
The Save Soil convoy drove through the quaint streets of Berlin, roads lined with bare trees, for the first Street Art event of the day. Joined by an excited group of local volunteers, Sadhguru contributed to a 50 foot-long Save Soil art graffitied across a wall in Berlin created as a heartening expression of support.
Mar 27, 2022, Berlin, Germany
Save Soil Wave Hits Germany Berlin: Part I
Sadhguru received an enthralling reception outside the full house at Hotel Berlin, the first public event in Germany with fashion model, actress and humanitarian Toni Garrn who has participated in humanitarian efforts in rural Africa to aid young girls in getting access to education and healthcare. In an engaging discussion, Sadhguru warned of the many repercussions of soil extinction
Mar 25, 2022, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Save Soil Zips Through The Netherlands
The Dutch people were overjoyed to welcome Sadhguru as he rode through The Netherlands, stopping for bigger organized events as well as informal streetside meet-ups. The eventful day ended in a grand finale in Rai Amsterdam. At the public event hosted by well-loved Carice van Houton of the renowned TV series, Game of Thrones, a brimming crowd greeted Sadhguru.
Mar 23, 2022, London, United Kingdom
Save Soil: The Motorcycle Diaries
Sadhguru invited everyone to “Talk soil, Sing soil, Breathe soil, Live soil,” stating that “the world must reverberate with one energy for one purpose” over the next 100 days.
Mar 21, 2022, London
Save Soil Journey Highlights March
On 21 March, Sadhguru embarked on an arduous 100-day journey across 30,000 km from London to southern India, as a lone motorcyclist, to activate citizen support and global government policy action to revitalise soil.
May 15, 2022 - Jordan
Sadhguru to address political leaders from 195 countries at UNCCD COP15
Sadhguru, Founder-Isha Foundation, who launched the global Movement to Save Soil from extinction in March this year, will address leaders from 195 nations at the 15th session of the Conference of Parties (COP15) to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) as the Key Note speaker. COP15 will be held in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, from 9-20 May. The theme for the session is “Land. Life. Legacy: From scarcity to prosperity”.
May 11, 2022 - Abidjan
At UNCCD COP 15, Sadhguru Presents 3-Pronged Strategy To Save Soil From Degradation
Sadhguru, who is currently on a 100-day, 30,000-km lone motorcycle #JourneyForSoil flew to Abidjan in Ivory Coast to address representatives from 197 nations at the 15th session of the Conference of Parties (COP15) to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). Sadhguru in his address distilled out one overarching objective - which is to ensure that there is a minimum of 3-6% organic content in agricultural soil and provided a three-pronged strategy to achieve this.
May 9, 2022 - Tel Aviv
In Bitterness Of Past, Let’s Not Sacrifice Future Of Our Children: Sadhguru’s Appeal From Palestine
“Borders mean nothing for soil. All nations & the planet itself must thrive. Only then can we live well. I appeal to all nations & religions, let us put aside the bitterness of the past, and strive to create rich soil & rich nations for the sake of future generations.”
April 14, 2022 - Bonn, Germany
Save Soil Movement: Sadhguru at UNCCD Says “Soil is not a resource, it is the source of our life”
On a mission to save the world's soils from extinction, Sadhguru joined the Executive Secretary of United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)Ibrahim Thiaw in Bonn, as part of his 100-day Journey for the Save Soil movement. Both of them echoed that everything we need in our daily lives comes from soil and conscious actions can make a real difference in preserving this precious resource and reversing degradation
April 4, 2022 - Rome, Italy
Sadhguru’s Save Soil Movement echoes in Austria, Slovenia and Italy
Sadhguru who is currently on a Save Soil Movement 100 km bike journey rode through the European countries of Austria, Slovenia and Italy, taking the message to Save Soil across these countries
March 28, 2022 - London, UK
Save Soil storms into global conscience as Sadhguru begins his 100 days journey
Sadhguru invites everyone to “Talk soil, Sing soil, Breathe soil, Live soil”
March 21, 2022 - Trafalgar Square, London:
Sadhguru Kicks Off 100-Day Motorcycle Journey From London To Save Soil
A 100-day journey to save soil, undertaken by Sadhguru, a yogi and visionary, was flagged off today at the iconic Trafalgar Square in London. In an urgent bid to reverse and halt soil degradation, Sadhguru has unveiled the Conscious Planet movement to Save Soil.
March 14, 2022 - Bridgetown, Barbados
Caribbean Nations Come on Board Save Soil Movement
Six “pearls in the ocean” sign memorandums of understanding in commitment to Save Soil movement, led by Sadhguru
March 13, 2022 - Bridgetown, Barbados
Prime Minister Mottley Envisions a Safe Future by Committing to Save Soil
Government of Barbados welcomes Conscious Planet founder Sadhguru and takes a crucial step towards safeguarding wellbeing of future generations
March 12, 2022 - Georgetown, Guyana
Guyana Stands in Solidarity to Save Soil
Guyana becomes fifth Caribbean nation to sign MOU for the Save Soil movement, led by Sadhguru
March 11, 2022 - St John's, Antigua
Caribbean Nations Unite to Save Soil
4 Caribbean nations sign MOU for the Save Soil movement, led by Sadhguru in historic moment