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From Barren to Thriving: My Journey with Cauvery Calling

Human Impact Stories
05 July, 2024
11:44 AM

From a struggling lemon farm to a thriving tree haven, this farmer's story proves that Cauvery Calling can transform your land and your income.

Haribala | From Barren to Thriving: My Journey with Cauvery Calling

Namaskaram everyone! My name is Haribala, and I am a farmer from Panayadipatti village. Like many, I followed in the footsteps of my family, working the land. But a few years ago, my lemon farm was a picture of despair. Dry, barren soil yielded little, and labor costs ate into any profits.

Hope Sprouted from Unexpected Places

Faced with frustration and mounting bills, I turned to YouTube for answers. While the tall saplings I saw seemed promising, the price tag of Rs. 250-300 per tree was daunting. Discouraged, I almost gave up.

Then, a friend mentioned Cauvery Calling. Hesitantly, I reached out to their Madurai nursery. What I found there transformed everything. Not only were their saplings a fraction of the cost (only Rs.3!) but the team offered invaluable guidance.


A New Dawn for My Land

Inspired and equipped with knowledge, I planted a diverse range of trees like Yellow Teak, Indian Rosewood, and Indian Kino - a total of 800 trees across 5 acres. Drip irrigation became my new best friend, requiring minimal water and time investment (perfect for my busy schedule!). The five-person crew is a thing of the past. Thanks to my new tree-based system, I can manage the entire 5-acre farm myself in just a couple of hours a day. One hour in the morning and another in the evening is all it takes for a quick check-in. The beauty is, I can still run my own business during the day. Reduced expenses and a healthier environment are just the first steps towards a brighter future.

The Future is Green (and Profitable)

The past two years have seen incredible growth in my trees, exceeding what I have witnessed elsewhere. The Cauvery Calling team's ongoing support, including advice on planting pepper as an intercrop for future income, gives me immense confidence.

In 20 years, this land will yield lakhs of rupees – a stark contrast to the meager returns of my lemon farm. Tree-based agriculture, with the support of Cauvery Calling, is a game-changer!

Editor's Note: Inspired to join the movement? Contact Cauvery Calling at 80009-80009 to learn about selecting saplings based on your soil profile. Together, let us revitalize Cauvery and our lives!

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