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The Answer IS Beneath Our Feet



UN Climate Change Conference


November 30 - December 12, 2023


Save Soil B7-89, Food & Health Bldg, First Floor, Blue Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Join the Save Soil Movement and Sadhguru at COP28 for a series of in-person and virtual events. At our pavilion in the Blue Zone, Save Soil will be hosting panel discussions and fire-side conversations featuring global experts on soil health.

Save Soil - Fix Climate Change. Let us make it happen!


The Answer IS Beneath Our Feet

Join the Save Soil Movement and Sadhguru at COP28 for a series of in-person and virtual events. At our pavilion in the Blue Zone, Save Soil will be hosting panel discussions and fire-side conversations featuring global experts on soil health.

Save Soil - Fix Climate Change.
Let us make it happen!

The pavilion events below are available to watch live via zoom, on demand videos will be available soon after. We hope you join the movement in raising awareness of soil as a climate solution with the hashtag #SaveSoilFixClimateChange.

Sadhguru at COP 28

Dec 03, 2023

COP 28 Events at the Pavilion

Dec 01, 2023

Dec 02, 2023

Dec 03, 2023

Dec 04, 2023

Dec 05, 2023

Dec 06, 2023

Dec 08, 2023

Dec 09, 2023

Dec 10, 2023

Sadhguru at COP 28

Climate Finance - Regenerating Incomes and Soil

December 3, 3:30 – 4:30 PM GST
(December 3, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM UTC)

Save Soil B7-89, Food & Health Building, First Floor, Blue Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Ms. Mafalda Duarte

Conversation with Mafalda Duarte, Executive Director of the Green Climate Fund (GCF)

Soil, the Climate Superstar - Dialogue to mark World Soil Day 2023

December 5, 12:00 – 1:00 PM GST
(December 5, 8:00 – 9:00 AM UTC)

Land & Drought Resilience Pavilion (UNCCD) Blue Zone, TA4, Stand 205

Sadhguru, The Rt Hon Patricia Scotland KC, Ibrahim Thiaw

Conversation with Ibrahim Thiaw, ES, UNCCD & Baroness Patricia Scotland, SG Commonwealth

The Wake Up Experience

December 5, 7:00 – 8:00 PM GST
(December 5, 3:00 – 4:00 PM UTC)

Al Wasl Plaza Dome, Al Wasl Avenue - Dubai, UAE

An event with Sadhguru hosted by Impact Nest on World Soil Day (5th Dec) in partnership with UNHCR, that will shed light on solutions to the issue of climate induced migration.

Climate Finance - Regenerating Incomes and Soil

December 3, 3:30 – 4:30 PM GST
(December 3, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM UTC)

Save Soil B7-89, Food & Health Building, First Floor, Blue Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Ms. Mafalda Duarte

Conversation with Mafalda Duarte, Executive Director of the Green Climate Fund (GCF)


Soil, the Climate Superstar - Dialogue to mark World Soil Day 2023

December 5, 12:00 – 1:00 PM GST
(December 5, 8:00 – 9:00 AM UTC)

Land & Drought Resilience Pavilion (UNCCD) Blue Zone, TA4, Stand 205

Sadhguru, The Rt Hon Patricia Scotland KC, Ibrahim Thiaw

Conversation with Ibrahim Thiaw, ES, UNCCD & Baroness Patricia Scotland, SG Commonwealth


The Wake Up Experience

December 5, 7:00 – 8:00 PM GST
(December 5, 3:00 – 4:00 PM UTC)

Al Wasl Plaza Dome, Al Wasl Avenue - Dubai, UAE

An event with Sadhguru hosted by Impact Nest on World Soil Day (5th Dec) in partnership with UNHCR, that will shed light on solutions to the issue of climate induced migration.

COP 28 Events at the Pavilion

Soil - Climate Change Solution, not Victim 

December 1, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM GST
(December 1, 7:00 – 8:00 AM UTC)

Save Soil B7-89, Food & Health Building, First Floor, Blue Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Mr. Anand Ethirajalu, Dr. Allen Williams, Prof. Bridget Anne Emmett, OBE, Dr. Rosa Maria Poch, Dr. Muralee Thummarukdy

Could the planet’s largest living ecosystem also be the solution to climate breakdown? Restoring agricultural soil health is increasingly being labelled as a principle means of carbon sequestration, and preserving biodiversity. This panel will offer perspectives from leading experts on the vital importance of sustainable soil management in humanity’s future, and how what was once considered an inert substance, may be the answer we’ve been looking for. 

Soil - Climate Change Solution, not Victim 

December 1, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM GST
(December 1, 7:00 – 8:00 AM UTC)

Save Soil B7-89, Food & Health Building, First Floor, Blue Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Mr. Anand Ethirajalu, Dr. Allen Williams, Prof. Bridget Anne Emmett, OBE, Dr. Rosa Maria Poch, Dr. Muralee Thummarukdy

Could the planet’s largest living ecosystem also be the solution to climate breakdown? Restoring agricultural soil health is increasingly being labelled as a principle means of carbon sequestration, and preserving biodiversity. This panel will offer perspectives from leading experts on the vital importance of sustainable soil management in humanity’s future, and how what was once considered an inert substance, may be the answer we’ve been looking for. 


Carbon Farming Collectives: Overcoming Vulnerability

December 2, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM GST
(December 2, 7:00 – 8:00 AM UTC)

Save Soil B7-89, Food & Health Building, First Floor, Blue Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Mr. Helmy Abouleish, Mr. Macaulay Jones, Mr. Venkat Rasa, Mr. Jochen Buchmaier

Small and marginal farmers are among the most vulnerable to climate shock events. The good news? Sustainable soil management practices can climate proof these farmers whilst making their lands an effective carbon sink. The protocol challenges they face in engaging with the market as individuals can be overcome by coming together. This event will showcase the efforts from various parts of the world in collectivising small and medium scale farmers practising sustainable soil management, and the exciting opportunities that can be unlocked to scale agriculture based climate solutions.

Carbon Farming Collectives: Overcoming Vulnerability

December 2, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM GST
(December 2, 7:00 – 8:00 AM UTC)

Save Soil B7-89, Food & Health Building, First Floor, Blue Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Mr. Helmy Abouleish, Mr. Macaulay Jones, Mr. Venkat Rasa, Mr. Jochen Buchmaier

Small and marginal farmers are among the most vulnerable to climate shock events. The good news? Sustainable soil management practices can climate proof these farmers whilst making their lands an effective carbon sink. The protocol challenges they face in engaging with the market as individuals can be overcome by coming together. This event will showcase the efforts from various parts of the world in collectivising small and medium scale farmers practising sustainable soil management, and the exciting opportunities that can be unlocked to scale agriculture based climate solutions.


Soil, Our Very Body

December 3, 5:30 – 6:30 PM GST
(December 3, 1:30 – 2:30 PM UTC)

Save Soil B7-89, Food & Health Building, First Floor, Blue Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Mr. Dan Kittredge, Dr. Adam Cobb, Ms. Alex Cullen, Ms. Tina Owens

How much does soil health impact human health? Studies have shown that plant nutrition is highly dependent on soil health. When 80% of food consumed by human beings originates from soils, how much we nourish the life beneath our feet may have a major role to play in our own wellbeing. Join leading experts from various aspects of food production to explore this intersection, and the importance of organic matter in ensuring healthy, living soil.

Soil, Our Very Body

December 3, 5:30 – 6:30 PM GST
(December 3, 1:30 – 2:30 PM UTC)

Save Soil B7-89, Food & Health Building, First Floor, Blue Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Mr. Dan Kittredge, Dr. Adam Cobb, Ms. Alex Cullen, Ms. Tina Owens

How much does soil health impact human health? Studies have shown that plant nutrition is highly dependent on soil health. When 80% of food consumed by human beings originates from soils, how much we nourish the life beneath our feet may have a major role to play in our own wellbeing. Join leading experts from various aspects of food production to explore this intersection, and the importance of organic matter in ensuring healthy, living soil.


Carbon Finance to Crafting Policies: Easing Farmers' Access to Carbon Finance

December 4, 10:30 – 11:30 AM GST
(December 4, 6:30 – 7:30 AM UTC)

Save Soil B7-89, Food & Health Building, First Floor, Blue Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Mr. Mathew Orman, Ms. Hunter Lovins, Mr. Max DuBuisson, Ms. Naglaa Ahmed

From Rio, to Kyoto to Paris - COP has strived to craft both a voluntary and mandatory carbon market place. However, policies still need to evolve, and challenges remain in facilitating farmers access to carbon finance.

In this unique event, we will explore the steps taken at policy level to date, and how carbon finance can become a mainstream source of income for farmers practising carbon negative agriculture.

Investing in Sustainable Soil Management

December 4, 12:00 – 1:00 PM GST
(December 4, 8:00 – 9:00 AM UTC)

Save Soil B7-89, Food & Health Building, First Floor, Blue Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Ms. Jyotsna Puri, Mr. Max DuBuisson

Experts discuss financial instruments that are present for farmers to access carbon finance. 
Is transitioning to sustainable soil management practices essential for our survival? Yes. Unfortunately, farmers are not being sufficiently incentivised to make this transition. With inputs from leading experts in the private sector, this session will explore what it will take for different forms of finance to become available to farmers and what investors need to be enthusiastic about getting involved

Carbon Finance to Crafting Policies: Easing Farmers' Access to Carbon Finance

December 4, 10:30 – 11:30 AM GST
(December 4, 6:30 – 7:30 AM UTC)

Save Soil B7-89, Food & Health Building, First Floor, Blue Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Mr. Mathew Orman, Ms. Hunter Lovins, Mr. Max DuBuisson, Ms. Naglaa Ahmed

From Rio, to Kyoto to Paris - COP has strived to craft both a voluntary and mandatory carbon market place. However, policies still need to evolve, and challenges remain in facilitating farmers access to carbon finance.

In this unique event, we will explore the steps taken at policy level to date, and how carbon finance can become a mainstream source of income for farmers practising carbon negative agriculture.


Investing in Sustainable Soil Management

December 4, 12:00 – 1:00 PM GST
(December 4, 8:00 – 9:00 AM UTC)

Save Soil B7-89, Food & Health Building, First Floor, Blue Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Ms. Jyotsna Puri, Mr. Max DuBuisson

Experts discuss financial instruments that are present for farmers to access carbon finance. 
Is transitioning to sustainable soil management practices essential for our survival? Yes. Unfortunately, farmers are not being sufficiently incentivised to make this transition. With inputs from leading experts in the private sector, this session will explore what it will take for different forms of finance to become available to farmers and what investors need to be enthusiastic about getting involved


Assessing Progress in Agriculture Concerning Soil Health - Hosted by 4p1000

December 5, 9:00 – 10:30 AM GST
(December 5, 5:00 – 6:30 AM UTC)

Save Soil B7-89, Food & Health Building, First Floor, Blue Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Dr. Paul Luu, Dr. Beverley Henry / Dr. Budiman Minasny, Mr. R.K. Warrier, Mrs. Sandrine Sommer , Mr. John Mullins , Mrs. Adrienne de Malleray , Mr. Bradford M. Willis , Dr. JK Ladha , Dr. Ananya Rao

The need for MRV [Monitoring, Reporting & Verification] tools for Policy makers, Farmers, Businesses and Civil Society to assess value chains and report to consumers

Assessing Progress in Agriculture Concerning Soil Health - Hosted by 4p1000

December 5, 9:00 – 10:30 AM GST
(December 5, 5:00 – 6:30 AM UTC)

Save Soil B7-89, Food & Health Building, First Floor, Blue Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Dr. Paul Luu, Dr. Beverley Henry / Dr. Budiman Minasny, Mr. R.K. Warrier, Mrs. Sandrine Sommer , Mr. John Mullins , Mrs. Adrienne de Malleray , Mr. Bradford M. Willis , Dr. JK Ladha , Dr. Ananya Rao

The need for MRV [Monitoring, Reporting & Verification] tools for Policy makers, Farmers, Businesses and Civil Society to assess value chains and report to consumers


Mitigating Investment Risk: Sustainable Food Systems

December 6, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM GST
(December 6, 7:00 – 8:00 AM UTC)

Save Soil B7-89, Food & Health Building, First Floor, Blue Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Dr. Muralee Thummarukudy, Ms. Jyotsna Puri, Ms. Shally Shanker, CFA, Mr. Dan Keeler, Mr. Borislav Sandov

Investing privately in any food system has risks, but can private and public investment models subvert challenges of investing in sustainable soil management practices? This event will explore how risks of such investments can be mitigated. But who will mitigate them?

The Power of Storytelling

December 6, 6:00 – 6:30 PM GST
(December 6, 2:00 – 2:30 PM UTC)

Save Soil Pavilion (B7-89, Food & Health Building, First Floor in the Blue Zone)

Finian Makepeace

The Power of Storytelling is being presented by " Kiss the Ground" , an audience-supported nonprofit organization promoting regeneration and healthy soil as a viable solution for our climate, wellness, and water crisis.

Mitigating Investment Risk: Sustainable Food Systems

December 6, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM GST
(December 6, 7:00 – 8:00 AM UTC)

Save Soil B7-89, Food & Health Building, First Floor, Blue Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Dr. Muralee Thummarukudy, Ms. Jyotsna Puri, Ms. Shally Shanker, CFA, Mr. Dan Keeler, Mr. Borislav Sandov

Investing privately in any food system has risks, but can private and public investment models subvert challenges of investing in sustainable soil management practices? This event will explore how risks of such investments can be mitigated. But who will mitigate them?

The Power of Storytelling

December 6, 6:00 – 6:30 PM GST
(December 6, 2:00 – 2:30 PM UTC)

Save Soil Pavilion (B7-89, Food & Health Building, First Floor in the Blue Zone)

Finian Makepeace

The Power of Storytelling is being presented by " Kiss the Ground" , an audience-supported nonprofit organization promoting regeneration and healthy soil as a viable solution for our climate, wellness, and water crisis.


Easing Carbon Market access for Farmers

December 8, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM GST
(December 8, 7:00 – 8:00 AM UTC)

Save Soil B7-89, Food & Health Building, First Floor, Blue Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Mr. Sai Kishore Nellore, Mr. Josh Knauer, Dr. Claudia Schepp

It’s not a secret that accessing carbon markets is challenging for many farmers. The existing paradigm requires highly skilled individuals to support developing, registering, validating and auditing a project. What is the true cost for farmers in engaging in these services, how sustainable are they, and what could alternatives be? Join us for this insightful session to discover the answers.

Connecting Climate with Development at Speed and Scale

December 8, 3:00 – 3:30 PM GST
(December 8, 11:00 – 11:30 AM UTC)

Save Soil Pavilion (B7-89, Food & Health Buillding, First Floor in the Blue Zone)

Jahan Chowdhury

Connecting Climate with Development at Speed and Scale

Easing Carbon Market access for Farmers

December 8, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM GST
(December 8, 7:00 – 8:00 AM UTC)

Save Soil B7-89, Food & Health Building, First Floor, Blue Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Mr. Sai Kishore Nellore, Mr. Josh Knauer, Dr. Claudia Schepp

It’s not a secret that accessing carbon markets is challenging for many farmers. The existing paradigm requires highly skilled individuals to support developing, registering, validating and auditing a project. What is the true cost for farmers in engaging in these services, how sustainable are they, and what could alternatives be? Join us for this insightful session to discover the answers.


Connecting Climate with Development at Speed and Scale

December 8, 3:00 – 3:30 PM GST
(December 8, 11:00 – 11:30 AM UTC)

Save Soil Pavilion (B7-89, Food & Health Buillding, First Floor in the Blue Zone)

Jahan Chowdhury

Connecting Climate with Development at Speed and Scale


Climate Proofing Our Future - The Role of Soil

December 9, 9:00 – 10:00 AM GST
(December 9, 5:00 – 6:00 AM UTC)

Save Soil B7-89, Food & Health Building, First Floor, Blue Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Ms. Ellen Fay, Mr. Josh Knauer, Mr. Doug Heske, Prof. Edoardo Costantini

From carbon sequestration, food security, preserving biodiversity, purifying air, waterways and terrestrial systems - rejuvenating soil health is key to our survival. Join us for a unique session that explores the various benefits humanity can derive from sustainable soil management practices, and how soil health contributes to our entire society. A key question - who should pay farmers for the additional services these methods provide?

Conscious Livestock Rearing and Soil Health

December 9, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM GST
(December 9, 7:00 – 8:00 AM UTC)

Save Soil B7-89, Food & Health Building, First Floor, Blue Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Mr. Alejandro Carrillo, Mr. Seth Itzkan, Ms. Helen Browning OBE, Mr. Marcos J. C. Pereda, Dr. Martin Frick

Of all the land that is farmed in the world, only 30% of it is used to produce plant based food for human beings. The remaining 70% is used to produce animal based food. Whilst animals play a vital role in helping build soil health, a conscious approach is the need of the hour. This event will discuss animal rearing’s impact on soil health, and its place as a part of the climate solution.

Newday Impact - Ecological Benefits Framework

December 9, 1:00 – 1:30 PM GST
(December 9, 9:00 – 9:30 AM UTC)

Save Soil Pavilion (B7-89, Food & Health Building, First Floor in the Blue Zone)

Doug Heske , Dan Keeler

Newday Impact - Ecological Benefits Framework

Climate Proofing Our Future - The Role of Soil

December 9, 9:00 – 10:00 AM GST
(December 9, 5:00 – 6:00 AM UTC)

Save Soil B7-89, Food & Health Building, First Floor, Blue Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Ms. Ellen Fay, Mr. Josh Knauer, Mr. Doug Heske, Prof. Edoardo Costantini

From carbon sequestration, food security, preserving biodiversity, purifying air, waterways and terrestrial systems - rejuvenating soil health is key to our survival. Join us for a unique session that explores the various benefits humanity can derive from sustainable soil management practices, and how soil health contributes to our entire society. A key question - who should pay farmers for the additional services these methods provide?


Conscious Livestock Rearing and Soil Health

December 9, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM GST
(December 9, 7:00 – 8:00 AM UTC)

Save Soil B7-89, Food & Health Building, First Floor, Blue Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Mr. Alejandro Carrillo, Mr. Seth Itzkan, Ms. Helen Browning OBE, Mr. Marcos J. C. Pereda, Dr. Martin Frick

Of all the land that is farmed in the world, only 30% of it is used to produce plant based food for human beings. The remaining 70% is used to produce animal based food. Whilst animals play a vital role in helping build soil health, a conscious approach is the need of the hour. This event will discuss animal rearing’s impact on soil health, and its place as a part of the climate solution.


Newday Impact - Ecological Benefits Framework

December 9, 1:00 – 1:30 PM GST
(December 9, 9:00 – 9:30 AM UTC)

Save Soil Pavilion (B7-89, Food & Health Building, First Floor in the Blue Zone)

Doug Heske , Dan Keeler

Newday Impact - Ecological Benefits Framework


Enabling Technologies: Measuring Soil Carbon

December 10, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM GST
(December 10, 7:00 – 8:00 AM UTC)

Save Soil B7-89, Food & Health Building, First Floor, Blue Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Dr. Ahmad Al Bitar, Ms. Leigh Ann, Ms. G Sujatha

Measuring and validating farmland health is not an easy process for many farmers. When investors and carbon credit buyers expect professional verifications, this process can be costly and time consuming. Improvements in remote sensing technology may be able to empower farmers' agency - but how long before the technology is trustable by investors? This session will dive into this conversation, and explore the roles governments and investors have to play.

Enabling Technologies: Measuring Soil Carbon

December 10, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM GST
(December 10, 7:00 – 8:00 AM UTC)

Save Soil B7-89, Food & Health Building, First Floor, Blue Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Dr. Ahmad Al Bitar, Ms. Leigh Ann, Ms. G Sujatha

Measuring and validating farmland health is not an easy process for many farmers. When investors and carbon credit buyers expect professional verifications, this process can be costly and time consuming. Improvements in remote sensing technology may be able to empower farmers' agency - but how long before the technology is trustable by investors? This session will dive into this conversation, and explore the roles governments and investors have to play.


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